About Me
My Experience
I have over 7 years of experience and education in solving complex problems through designing digital products. My experience spans across multiple industry needs, such as net new features, fast-scaling customer bases, and anything from Concept, MVP, and Enterprise solutions.
Current Position
I am a Senior Experience Designer for High Alpha Innovation, which is a Venture Capital firm that partners with large-scale corporations to create advantaged startups. My current role consists of:
  • Working with a team of talented analysts to seek out opportunities for solving high-value problems. I bring balance through advocating for the current needs and desires of the end-user rather than focusing on how a solution can make the corporations money.
  • Ideating, journey mapping, and prototyping the MVP of a concept that can be pitched to possible investors. This has sharpened my skills in thinking big picture about how a solution can impact a user group or an entire system rather than thinking through specific use cases of the product workflow like I have in past positions.
  • Co-creating a thoughtful design process that can serve as a playbook for how we can best collaborate with partners. Additionally, I am in the early stages of an initiative that is focused on educating the company on the value of the Product Design discipline in hopes to further influence the building of DesignOps resources, such as a component library and design standards for the conceptual prototypes we create for Sprint Weeks. More on this coming in a future case study!
Career Goals
The next goal in my career journey is to move into Product Design Management and serve as a mentor and trusted partner with a team of designers. Also, I desire to help lead the efforts to create strong design processes and standards for an organization, therefore I am always looking for opportunities to lead by example, share my experiences, and to most importantly learn something new everyday!
My Career Journey Timeline
My Resume