Integrating Lessonly and Seismic

‍Product Designer
Nov 2021 - July 2022
Before this case study, customers were able to switch between 3 app experiences: Lessonly Training, Lessonly Skills, and Seismic's core product. All with distinctive experiences, stakeholders had to juggle between system challenges and overlapping functionality. In an extreme collaborative effort, we set out to create a vision of the ideal integration between these 3 digital worlds.

The problem we solved:

How might we integrate multiple standalone, feature-dependent products that will align with customer’s mental model and day-to-day workflow?

The process and my role:

The Process
Key Points
  • Highly collaborative effort across 3 teams
  • Facilitated an ideation session with all 6 of the Lessonly (aka Learning) designers who had expert knowledge of their product areas
  • Communicated and facilitated meetings more than designing
Some challenges:
Of course, this process was not as linear as this visual communicates; we often jumped around and even backtracked since it was easy for anyone to misinterpret goals, miss decisions that were made, or not have an opportunity to offer input. This resulted in a need to over-communicate, put out fires, and even voice concerns more than designing the experience itself.
My Role
My role was to lead the charge in designing a high-level vision for how Lessonly Training and Lessonly Skills can integrate into 1 experience, renamed to "Training." Since the 2 experiences were designed to work very similar, this was an easier step 1 before integrating 2 systems that were completely different (Seismic and Lessonly).
Another Designer's role
Another Product Designer's role was to create a high-level vision for how Training and Seismic's existing product can integrate into 1 experience.

Solution 1 of 2: The Long-Term Vision

With a long and bumpy process, we were able to deliver the first-draft of how Lessonly Training and Skills can work together.

The major changes were:
Some Screens of the highlighted Moments

Short-Term Solution

Another Product Designer lead the effort to conceptualize how Training can integrate into the broader Seismic environment. At the time of my transition out of Seismic, the short-term goal was to iframe the Skills and Training experiences into the Seismic environment in a way that aligns with their structural UX and UI patterns.

Here is my interpretation of how this goal can work. This was not finalized when I left, but I was apart of the ideation and conversations, so I had an idea of what the team was envisioning.
Consider the below screen as conceptual and not what was actually designed/built within the company.

Process Assets

For some of the design activities I helped facilitate, here are a few examples of the outcome!
Current features and where they overlap
Before we could truly ideate, we needed to outline all of the different product features across all environments and identifying overlap. This helped us eliminate duplicate functionality and create a more cohesive workflow. Below, the bullets with the same highlight color served the same function.


  • Document and Content Management
  • Knowledge-based Information Tracking
  • Data and Insights


  • Training Creation and Completion
  • Grading and Feedback Resources
  • Repeated Practice Scenarios and Learner-led Training
  • Data and Insights


  • Assessments
  • Creation of Coaching Plans
  • Tracking of Assessments and Coaching Plans
  • Tasks
  • Assessment Data and Skill Insights
The Ideal User Flow
For the Lessonly Training and Skills products, it was important for us to understand the ideal user flow based on customers' behavior at the time. Then, we highlighted which solutions linked back to that step in the flow, which provided a high-level understanding of how to best position each feature in the overall workflow of Lessonly.
An Ideation Session with Other Designers
Each designer on the Lessonly teams had expert knowledge in different product areas. Instead of working in a silo, I facilitated a session with designers for us to educate each other on how the products operate and on the future goals/considerations. Then, we all brainstormed how to update the user flow outlines above. Here are a few screen grabs of that ideation in InVision Freehand!